It’s the ‘New Year’s Resolution’ time of year when many people resolve to make changes in their lives. Personally, I think it’s a good idea to have an ongoing overview of changes that need to be made throughout the year. But I have one right now that is not exactly a resolve, and it isn’t new, it’s more like something I’m newly experimenting with. It is to eat mindfully.
I often eat alone, so talking isn’t usually a distraction but I’m someone who compulsively reads anything. If I haven’t got a book/magazine/newspaper to read, then I’ll be reading the ingredients on the mayonnaise jar or salt/fat content on the biscuit packet. Then there is the massive draw of my mobile phone – the texts, Facebook updates, tweets and emails. So it’s a challenge not to read something when I’m eating. Sometimes I’ll be half watching the news on the TV, reading the news, checking my phone and eating all at the same time. So my challenge is not to read or talk or watch anything – just to thoroughly savour what I’m eating.
Mmm… it tastes so good I find I don’t need as much!
Why not try it – even if just occasionally? If you think you ate too much over Christmas, your mindful eating practice could even help you lose weight! And a top tip – savour the sight of your food before you begin!
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